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Sunny Shore’s Loganberry Lily
DOB: 05/17/2023
Buckskin with extensive white overlay
Logan: Image
DD: GCH Rosasharn CB Kir Royale 6*M VEVV89
DDD: Rosasharn TL Chardonnay 5*M VEEE90
DDS: Rosasharn SH Celtic Ballad ++*B VEE90
DS: Short on Heaven Lyric's Parody *B
DSS: Castle Rock U Got the Look *B
Sire: GardenViewFarm CC Chase *B
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm
Lupita Nyongo 2*M VEEE90
SDD: Wood Bridge Farm Serendipity 1*M
SDS: CuAtLilRedBarn Count Chocula
SS: Better Wayz Champ Carabear *B
Logan: Price List
Kidding History:
Logan: Text
Logan: Services
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